It’s that time of year! All sorts of plants are ready to go in the garden and we can stop worrying about one last freeze (I hope!) We picked up a huge load of fresh transplants (huge for us, anyway) from our greenhouse grower this week. If you’ve ever wondered how to safely transport 240 vegetable and herbs plants take a look at the pictures below. My trusty Subaru Forester and a home-made rack worked perfectly. Even the greenhouse’s cat climbed in to inspect it and wanted to come home with us.
As you may know, Bohemian Bounty is based in San Marcos, Texas which is just south of Austin. One of the most important things to our company is our community. San Marcos is, unfortunately, home to a significant population of impoverished people. According to the US Census, in 1999, San Martians below poverty were recorded at 28.5% – that was double the percentage recorded in Austin. Trying to make a difference with what we do has led us toward a unique goal – feeding those in need and teaching those our community who want to learn how to feed themselves. Bohemian Bounty has been working with the Hays County Area Food Bank (HCAFB) since 2008 to incorporate organic, healthy vegetables into the kitchens of people who depend on the food bank. With the donation of garden plots from the San Marcos Community Gardens, local volunteers and Bohemian Bounty have been working to plan, build and maintain several garden beds.
Bohemian Bounty has donated seeds, greenhouse space, composted horse manure (Thanks Jimmy!), starter plants, labor and organic garden care products thus far. The HCAFB garden has begun its Spring plantings with a garden bed full of potatoes donated from a generous person on Craig’s List (Thanks Freida!) We are still looking for more donations. Our wish list for the food bank garden plots includes: tools, compost, herb starter plants, organic fertilizers, organic insecticide soap, mulch, plant tags/signs, gloves, diatamaceous earth (food grade), 4 inch pots for starter seed, 1 gallon pump sprayer, stakes, twine, tomato cages, tub trugs and local volunteers.
A second project that Bohemian Bounty will be helping with is planning and installing a community garden at one of the San Marcos Housing Authority’s housing areas. The garden will introduce residents to organic gardening techniques, composting, the biology within a garden ecosystem, cooking from the garden, nutrition and more. Self sustaining skills like gardening, canning, and basic cooking are fading among generations but Bohemian Bounty aims to bridge the gap. Volunteers will be needed for this project so stay tuned! Take a look at our first outreach with residents and their children.