Quilter’s Garden Update
Late last fall we designed and installed a winter garden, Jen named the “Quilter’s Garden” due to the quilt-like pattern she created out of the 12’x12′ plot. We liked it so much we used the picture on our brochure and website. You can see the design here.
The new gardeners Lyn, Solange and their son Carter, have been tending it all winter and we stopped by for a visit this weekend. All we could say was “WOW!” It was beautiful and full of vegetables – lettuces, broccoli, Swiss chard, collard greens, spinach, sugar snap peas, carrots, cabbage, cilantro, garlic, oregano and strawberries. They have added a drip hose, a small fence to keep out rabbits and are working on an interior walkway. Carter is born gardener and he loves showing people “his” garden. And he eats everything that comes out of it!
As the lettuces and leafy greens stop producing they will be replaced by tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash and green beans. Take a look at the pictures and see what three new gardeners were able to grow.